Switzer Ranch

Producer Communications

The Nebraska Beef Council works to grow producer’s understanding of the Beef Checkoff by sharing information on how dollars are invested in promotion, research and education programs. These efforts aim to share checkoff successes  with stakeholders across Nebraska. 

Nebraska Producer e-newsletter

The Nebraska Beef Council publishes a monthly e-newsletter highlighting the most recent Beef Checkoff programs implemented at the state, national, and international level. Sign up to receive the latest news and information direct to your email inbox.

sign up here >

Checkoff Update Radio

Listen Friday mornings each week for the Beef Checkoff Update segment on partner radio stations KRVN - Lexington, KNEB - Scottsbluff, KTIC - West Point, KCSR - Chadron, KBEAR - Broken Bow, and KSDZ-KDJL - Gordon/Valentine.

Producer Meetings

Meeting producers face-to-face is one of the most effective ways to share Beef Checkoff updates. As stakeholders to the Beef Checkoff program, it is our responsibility to inform you of how your dollar is being invested in beef promotion, research and education. Click the link below to request a presentation from the Nebraska Beef Council at your next producer meeting.

request presentation >