Switzer Ranch

District 3 Elections

Nebraska Beef Council Board of Director elections will take place in District 3
November 2024

Become a Qualified Voter

To become a qualified voter in the election, you must complete the pre-certification affidavit anytime between August 1 - October 1, 2024.  For your convenience we have two options for you to submit a pre-certification form:

A third-party contractor will verify all affidavits.  If it is determined that you are not eligible to vote, the contractor will contact you to obtain the information needed for you to become an eligible voter. Only qualified voters will be mailed a ballot on or before November 15, 2024. Completed ballots must be postmarked by November 30, 2024.  

Eligible Voting Counties: Burt, Cedar, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Madison, Pierce, Stanton, Thurston, Wayne 

Voter Qualifications

The by-laws of the Nebraska Beef Council require that each Qualified Voter sign an affidavit certifying he or she meets the following criteria.  By signing this affidavit, you are certifying that you are an eligible Nebraska Beef Council voter as described below: 

  • A resident of a county in the District in which an election is held (see map and listing of counties). 
  • A registered voter of a county in the District in which an election is held (as defined by the Statutes of the State of Nebraska). 
  • A producer who may meet the requirement of owning or acquiring ownership of cattle by:        
    • Owning or acquiring ownership in his or her individual name in 2023 
    • OR being a partner in a partnership that has sold cattle in 2023 and actively participating in the operation of the partnership’s business, 
    • OR being a shareholder in a corporation which sold cattle in 2023 and, as an officer or employee of the corporation, actively participating in the operation of the corporation’s business    
NOTE: a person shall NOT be considered a producer if (a) the person’s only share in the proceeds of a sale of cattle or beef is a sales commission, handling fee or other service fee, or (b) the person acquired ownership of cattle to facilitate the transfer of ownership of such cattle from the seller to a third party and resold such cattle no later than ten (10) days from the date on which the person acquired ownership.

For additional information about the election, contact the Nebraska Beef Council office at 1-800-421-5326